Well I have gotten a little behind on my blogging. Life has gotten busy and I have found less time to be on the computer. Which I guess can be a good thing!
Life has been moving a long and keeping us pretty busy.
Homeschool is going great! The kids and I are having a fun time learning all kinds of new things. We never seem to have enough time to get everything in in one day. I am very happy how well the kids are taking being at home. Its fun to watch them play along with each other and how well they have gotten into the routine of things. The other day Mimi made a comment to me. She said, "Mommy, I like being in homeschool. I get to do my school work, play and be at home with my family all before public school gets out for the day."
A few weeks ago we took a field trip to a local pumpkin patch. My mom came along with us and it was a blast. We just played and played!! It was fun for all of us and we all got a pumpkin out of the whole thing! I like being able to experience these things together at the same time. I'm thankful God gave our family this opportunity to homeschool.

Eva jumping around in the hay stack maze.
Fun hay wagon rides.
Funny cute pictures of my little "pumpkins"!
Mimi named her pumpkin Spookley.
Everyone picked out the pumpkin they thought was the best.
Even Gaby was trying to decided.